Fluoride-Free Water – Anti-Fluoridation Campaign for Drinking Water in Ireland

home > what you can do to help

What can you do to help?

Sign the online petition

Online Petition: https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/reverse-mandatory-water-fluoridation-in-ireland.html

Make your views known

Contact the Minister for Health today. Ask for water fluoridation to end because of the unreasonable health risk to you and your family.

Department of Health
Hawkins House
Hawkins Street
Dublin 2

Tel: ++ 353 (1) 635 4000
LoCall: ++ 353 1890–200–311
Fax: ++ 353 (1) 635 4001

Email: info@health.gov.ie
Web: http://www.dohc.ie/

Get a water test

Call your local water authority and ask for a 'full parameter Analysis' of the contents of your water. Make sure to ask for levels of Hydro Fluoro Silicic Acid. Ask them to explain in writing why they continue to supply toxic fluorides in your drinking water without your knowledge or informed consent. Source an independent laboratory which will also analyse your water for a fee. Send the result to the Minister for an explanation.

Form a pressure group

Organise your friends and colleagues into small pressure groups to contact your local water authorities, and local county councils and Ministers to explain why they continue to endorse water fluoridation when most of Europe does not fluoridate their drinking water for health, legal and environment reasons.

Request a helpline

Ask for information on the following: